Hydraulic milling robot
Hydraulically driven milling cutter robot Hächler HF 200 separately moves in a sewer pipe of DN 190 - DN 1100, including egg-shaped profiles. It provides all milling processes which are necessary for the rehabilitation of sewers.
A rotating colour camera placed on the robot arm makes it possible to monitor continuously the progress of the work on the monitor. This record can be then delivered to the customer as a DVD file.

Robot can
- solve leaking connections to the systems
- remove deposits in the pipes
- remove roots and other obstacles in the pipes
- offset protruded connections
- prepare for redevelopment and rehabiliation
- prepare a damaged site for subsequent rehabiliation

- extremely silent due to the hydraulic unit
- possibility of night work in exposed locations and residential areas
- possibility of deployment up to -5° C, no danger of glaze
- 4times higher efficiency in comparison to air robots
- does not need a compressor, everything including the hydraulic power unit is installed in the Mercedes 515
- flexible cutting arm provides greater depth of reach into the connections
- can be used in egg-shaped profiles
- preparation of renovation necks

Pardubice [Czech Republic]